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(Ab)Use of Tongue 1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Thessalonians 2 Timothy Aaronic Priesthood Abel A Better Covenant Abraham Abstain Acts of the Apostles Aged Men Aged Women Angels and Us Apostasy Appointing Elders Appointment Are parents responsible for the sins of children? Author Backsliders Restored Backsliding Believers Baptism Barak Barak's Call Barak's Victory of Faith Basis For Unity Beatitudes Beginning Believer's Trials Believer's Walk Believer's Warfare Believers in General Benediction Better Better Promises Bible Study Blemished Sacrifices Blessing for Church Blessings Blood of Christ Body Born Again Bro. A. Williams Bro. Bakht Singh Bro. Jordan Khan Bro. K. Philip Business in Church Can a miracle worker be a false prophet/teacher? How must we respond? Can an entire city be seduced into idol worship? How must we respond? Can our family & friends lead us astray? How must we respond? Can tainted money be given as offering? Can money be lent on interest? Character of priests Charge for priests Church Family Church Growth Cities of refuge Closing Greetings Colossians Comfort Communion with God Conclusion Counted Worthy Covetousness Daniel Day of the Lord Dealing with Disorderly Death and Blood Essential for Atonement Death and Judgement of Man Deception Decline and End Deflection: What was the turning point for Israelites that lead to their fall? How did they dishonor God? Departure From Faith Destroyed Deuteronomy Devil's Doctrine Did Jesus have to be made perfect? Died in Faith Disciplining in Love Discontent Followers Dividers Divorce & Remarriage Does first-born son lose his privileges if father remarried and has more children? Doing Good For the Sake of the Gospel Dying in Faith Effective Prayers Elders Election of God Encounter with Edomites/Moabites/Ammorites Encouragement to Persevere Enoch ENTERING INTO REST Ephesians Eternal Security Exhortation of Believer's Conduct Exhortations for Believer's Conduct and Faith Failure & chastisement of priests Faith Faith + Words Faith as an Adult Faith at Birth Faith at Youth Faith in Action Faith of Abraham Faith of Judges Faith Of Moses Falling Away Fellowshipping Final Charge Final Judgement Final Moments Final Remarks Fine Tuning Finisher First generation denied entry to promised Land Flee & Follow Followers of Christ Foolish Vow Foundational Principles Gideon Give Thanks Glory of God: What is the title given to Moses? How does Moses exalt God? Why was the law given to people of Israel? Glory to God God's Burden God's chosen place - Shiloh: A place of significance... what happened? God's Gift God's Love God's Promise God's Punishment God's response to blemished sacrifices God's Will God of Justice God of Love Gospel Gospel under Attack Gospel Work Gray Areas Growing Faith Guard it Has anything changed about worship in the new testament and in heaven? Healing Health Hebrews Hebrews 2 Hebrews 2:9-18 Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11:4 Hebrews 11:5 Hebrews 11:7 Hebrews 11:8-19 Hebrews 11:11 Hebrews 11:20 Hebrews 11:21 Hebrews 11:22 Hebrews 11:23-28 Hebrews 11:30-31 Heroes of Faith HIGH PRIESTS Honorable Vessel Hope House of God How How are the land boundaries respected? How are the wicked judged? How are the animals to be treated? How can poverty be eradicated? Why did poverty persist? What is the warning given to selfish? How can we be the brethren of Jesus? How did God deal with Aaron despite his Sin? How did God respond to the prayer of Moses? How did Moses react to idol worship? How does God deal with covenant breakers? Are the heathens able to recognize the justice of God? How does Lord Jesus Christ fulfill the feasts? How is the biblical timeline captured in the feasts? How do the feasts apply to us today? How does temptations faced by Jesus benefit us? How is God's love expressed? How is the heart deceived and how can we avoid deception of our heart and loss of blessings? How is the principle of separation applied? How must a fleeing slave be treated? How must the stranger the fatherless and the widow be treated? How must we give? How must judges and officers rule? What must not be included in worship experience? How must we not mourn for the dead? How must we prepare for worship? How must we respond to our children? How to cope with fear & insecurity? How to deal with a bride who is not a virgin?; How to deal with rape and extra marital relationships? Is Incest with step mother ok? How to respond to rebellious sons? Is the punishment too harsh? How to succeed in the promised land? How to treat captive women? Can you marry her? How were the two mounts similar and different? How will obedience support agriculture? Illusion of Money Illusion of Riches Immersion Impact of Gospel Inferior Sacrifices Inheriting Promises & Christian Hope Interpersonal Conflicts Introduction Introduction to Deuteronomy Isaac Jacob James Jephthah Jesus Jesus - The Great High Priest Jesus as Son of Man Jesus Christ is superior to Moses Jesus Versus Moses Jesus versus Prophets Jesus vs Angels Joseph Joshua Joshua emerges as the new leader of Israel Judgement Seat of Christ Justice Knowledge + Application = Transformation Law Laziness & Gossip Living Godly Lives in the Last Days Love Love for Others Loyal & Unfaithful Believers Malachi Man of Sin Man versus Angels Marks of an Exemplary Life and Model Church Marriage To Foreign Wives Matthew Mediator Melchizedek Messianic Rule Ends Minister Of God Mission Of Timothy Moses Moses also tragically denied entry to promised land Mystery Natural Talent Natural Talent versus God’s Gift New Covenant New Jerusalem New Tabernacle Noah Opening Greetings Other 2 Feasts: Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement Our enemy is great but God is greater Our Identity & Calling Overcoming the peril of last days Overcoming with the Word Partiality Patience Paul Paul & Timothy Paul's 1st Missionary Journey Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey Paul's 3-fold Prayer Request Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey Paul's Blameless Testimony and Exhortation Paul's Burden Paul's Call to Action Paul's Ceaseless Thanks Paul's Complement Paul's Confidence Paul's Defense Paul's Defense (Crowd) Paul's Defense (Felix) Paul's Defense (Festus) Paul's Defense (Jewish Council) Paul's Defense (King Herod Agrippa) Paul's Desire & Hope Paul's Faithful Ministry Paul's Missionary Journey Paul's Model Ministry Paul's Prayer Paul's Prayer Request Paul's Standard Paul's Successful Gospel Ministry Paul's Testimony Paul' Suffering Paul's Voyage to Rome Paul's Work Ethic Paul's Worship Paul and People Pause Peace Perfect Priesthood Of Christ Perilous Times Personal Conduct Personal Growth Philemon Positional Sanctification Prayer & Result Prayers Preach it Precious Traditions Pressing ON Priesthood of Jesus Christ Priestly Services Prison Epistles Profitable Worker Progressive Sanctification Promises Of God Prophesies Prove Punishment: How will the Lord respond to rebellion by Israelites? Is there any hope for Israelites? Is there any hope for Israelites? Qualities of Deacons Qualities of Elders Quench not Rahab Rapture Reason for Thanks Reasons for Thanks Rebellion Rebuking Those Who Fail to Dod Good Reflection Reflection: Why are Israelites asked to remember and what must come to mind when they reflect on the past? Reflections Rejected Rejoice Respect Response Response of God Response of Israelites REST IS A CHOICE Restoration REST THROUGH GOSPEL Return & Battle Return of Christ Return of Christ: Rapture & Second Coming Return to God Revelation of God Review Rewards and Warnings Rich Righteous Judgement Righteousness of God Role of Timothy Running by Looking Salvation Samson Sanctification Sanctification Challenges Sanctification Goal Sanctification How Sanctification Meaning Sanctification of Believers Sanctification Origin Sanctification Perfected Sanctification Promise Sanctification Types Sanctification Why Sarah Saved in Order to Do Good Second Coming Secret of Blessings Secret of Church Continuity and Growth Secret of Heavenly Blessings Secret of Strength Secret of Success in Ministry Sermon on the Mount Servants Service of the Priests Seven Fold Messages to Cretans Shadow vs Reality Shaken Church Shared Living Silas Sinners Slaves Solemn Charge to Timothy Soul Source of Comfort Spirit Spiritual Journey Spiritual Maturity Sprinkle Structure & Furnishings Success Suffer for it Superiority of Jesus Christ as the Son of Man Superiority of Lord Jesus Christ (to angels) Superior Priesthood of Christ Support Ten Commandments Thankful The Better Mediator The Call to Go The Charge The Conception The Exalted Priesthood Of Christ The GREAT HIGH PRIEST The Law The New Covenant The Old Tabernacle The Perfect Sacrifice The Prepared Lamb The Promise of REST Therefore....what must the Israelites do? The Sacrifice The Second Resecurrection Thessalonica The Tabernacle The times and the seasons The Torchlighters Throne of God Timothy Timothy's Charge Reinforced Timothy's Mission Timothy's Report Titus TRAGEDY OF IMMATURITY Trials & Temptations Tribulation True & False Teaching True Followers True Wisdom Two battles & Two victories before crossing river Jordan Two Lingering Questions Two Messengers Unchanging God Unexpected appearance Unexpected destruction Unprofitable Words Valuable Servant of the Lord Vengeance Victory Warn Warning from Israelites Warning of Apostasy What What are some idolatrous/occultic practices forbidden by God? Why are they popular today despite being dangerous? What are some principles relating to lending? What are some qualities of Prophets?What prophesy of prophet is fulfilled? What is the test for 'false prophets'? What is the punishment for false prophets? What are the blessing honoring the Word? What are the blessing of obedience? What are the Blessings of Obedience? What are the blessings proclaimed? What is the condition for inheriting the blessings? What are the blessings promised to us today? What are the choices offered to Israelites and what are the consequences? What are the laws governing tithes? What are the regulations concerning weights? What are the responsibilities of Levites? What are the two choices? What are two dangers of abundance? What can we eat and what must we not eat? What can we say about the nature of God's laws? What charge did Moses give Joshua? Was it given publicly or privately? What curses were pronounced and how were the people to respond to the announcement of curses? What did Jesus accomplish at the cross? What did Moses deliver to the priests? Where was the book placed? What instructions did Moses give to the priests? What does "circumcision of heart" mean? What does God expect of His children? What does history reveal about Israel? What does the first fruit indicate? How must the first fruit be celebrated? What do we learn about worship and thankgiving? What does the Lord expect from his children? What does the Lord promise to his children? What instructions are give with regard to eating? What must we do with the blood? What is Love of God & Justice of God? What is one persistent failure of Israelites? What is restored to repentant Israel? What is the caution on making vows? How are travelers taken care of by farmers? What is the choice given to Israelites? What is the choice given to us today? What is the connection between compassion & Worship? What is the connection between diet and worship? What is the consequences of forgetting? What is the cursed thing? What is the difference between ‘revealed and secret things’? What should be our response to ‘revealed’ and ‘secret’ things? What is the final exhortation of Moses? What is the greatest commandment? What is their inheritance? What is the obligation of surviving brothers toward their brother's wife? What happens if wife interferes in the fight between two males? What is the outcome of idolatry What is the outcome of obedience? What is the path to restoration? What leads to change of heart? What is the penalty for worshipping idols? How is judgement decided? Why is the first stone cast by the witness? Why is the punishment carried our publicly? What is the role of Priests? What is the punishment for kidnapping? How are skin diseases controlled? How should our laborers to treated What is the role of witnesses? What is the punishment for false witnesses? What is the significance of executed criminal hung on a tree? What is the significance of the feasts? How does it apply to us today? What leads to Victory ? what makes Israel a great nation? What message did Moses give elders and officers? What must we do at the place of worship? What must we do with the firstborn? What should be our attitude towards neighbor's property? What should be our response to the Law? What should have been the response to the covenant? Why is it that they were able to ‘see’ but ‘not see’? What should we do with the World ? What to do after victory? And why? What type of curses will follow disobedience? Are we subject to curses today? What type of offerings were offered on the altar? What was the significance of these offerings? What type of sacrifices does God expect? What type of song did God ask Moses to write? What was different about the ten-commandments that were given the second time? What was God's covenant with Israelites? What was God's great offer to Moses? What was God's purpose in making Israelites wander in wilderness? What was special about the promised land? What was the role of Priests? How were the Priests taken care of? Are we Priests? When When & How is the Feast of Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread celebrated? When & How is the Feast of Tabernacles celebrated? When & How is the Feast of Weeks celebrated? When and where were the great stones set up? What was engraved on the stones? Why? When does Moses recognize that this time is coming to an end? What is the message given by Moses to Israelites? Why shouldn't Israelites worry about change of leadership? When is divorce permissible? What are the laws governing remarriage? What must be the focus of first year of marriage? When must the slave be released? What were the terms of release? Can a slave choose slavery for ever? When was the earlier covenant made? What lessons should the Israelites have learned from history? Wherefore Where is there no other like our God? Where must we eat? What is the alternative for tithing? Where will Moses die? Who Who are the parties to the ‘renewed covenant’ and what are the key elements? Who are we? Who bears the guilt of unsolved murder? How to atone for blood shed from murder? Who is excluded from the congregation of the Lord? Who is Jesus? Who is Son of man? Who must be released from debt? When? Who To Follow ? Who To Reject? Why Why & how must the Levites and other needy be taken care of? Why are some warriors not selected? Is the army weakened by reduced size? What are some battle rules? Why can 'good times' be 'bad times'? Why did Jesus become the Son of man? Why is a gender-based dress code proposed? Why is personal hygiene emphasized? Why is there no other like our God? Why might Israelites desire a king? Who is their current king? What are some qualifications for a king? Why must Israel go to war against Amalekites? Why must safety guidelines be followed for homes? Why must trees be protected? Why must we not inquire of the idolatrous practice of heathen? Why must we show kindness to mother bird? Why shouldn't Israelites be afraid in battles? What is the role of priests during war times? Why were cities of refuge established? Does it provide protection to the guilty? Who is the avenger of blood? Why were the Israelites victorious? Why were we created? Widows Wine Witness Of Jesus Women in Church Word of God Worship: Why is our God worthy of worship? Worship in the New Testament Worship Of Jesus Young Men Young Women